Monday, December 31, 2007

Poll Results

Poll #2
Question: How many no limit tournaments $300 and up do you plan to enter this year?

Choices: 0, 1-3, 4-7, 8 or more

Results: 1-3 (66%), 4-7 (33%) [3 votes]. Needless to say the results are disappointing with only three voters. Perhaps folks like to play in smaller buy-in tournaments.

Poll #1
Question: What do you do with top two on the flop on a dangerous board (straight and flush draws) with significant flop action and up against two other players when you have a very small investment in the pot?

Choices: Fold, All-In, Phone a Friend

Results: 40% fold, 40% phone a friend, and 20% all-in [10 votes]. The phone a friend results are a little disappointing, that was really for kicks, unless it means non-poker players are reading the blog, then I guess that's a good sign. It is intriguing that the majority chose fold, as I expected the winning choice to be all-in. In one of my blog entries (check it out here: Top Two On The Flop) I do in fact indicate folding as being the best choice, but that was in a specific situation based on a very good read. Based on the poll question, since top two is a powerful hand and the only better hand is a set, it makes equal sense to go all-in, pushing out those drawing hands and possibly getting heads-up with just one other player on a draw, or even taking down the pot right there. However, with only a small investment in the pot, if you are up against a set, some people may have thought, it makes sense to fold anyway and avoid trying to draw out to a full house, which would happen only 17% of the time. Tough question, tough choice.

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