Thursday, March 13, 2008

A Royal Flush!!!

In poker, as in life, sometimes you just have to play what you're dealt. Sometimes you play brilliantly and still get unlucky. Sometimes you get lucky and just can't seem to maximize value at all. But sometimes the planets align and everything just falls into place. On September 6, 2007 I got dealt the very best hand - I met this girl - and to top it all off - on March 1, 2008 she said YES! Yes, readers, I got engaged on March 1 to the greatest girl alive. Now that's what I call a royal flush - for life.

I Have Nothing (Except A Flush)

Funny Hand of the Year: Home cash game - player bets on the river and opponent folds, saying "I have nothing" while turning over his king high flush. Hysterical, he really thought he had nothing. We decided to split the pot between the two players, I mean why not!!??